S. No. | Name of Promoter | Name of Colony | Size (in Acre) | License No. & Date |
41 | M/s Abhishek Colonizer Pvt. Ltd. Office. Jyoti City, Opp Amar Klassic Palace, Sirhind Road,Baran, Patiala | Gian Jyoti Enclave, Village Kalwa, Sirhind Road, Patiala | 7.8 | 1031/3.5.05 |
42 | M/s Abhishek Colonizer Pvt. Ltd. Office. Jyoti City, Opp Amar Klassic Palace, Sirhind Road,Baran, Patiala | Deep Jyoti Enclave, Ph-I, Villge Kasyana-Kalwa Distt. Patiala | 9.97 | 1065/7.6.05 |
43 | M/s Centuary Colonizers, Office. Jyoti City, Opp Amar Klassic Palace, Sirhind Road,Baran, Patiala | Deep Jyoti Enclave, Ph-II, Villge Kasyana-Kalwa Distt. Patiala | 8.27 | 1373/7.6.05 |
44 | M/s Centuary Colonizers, Office. Jyoti City, Opp Amar Klassic Palace, Sirhind Road,Baran, Patiala |
Aman Jyoti Village Kalwa Kasiana | 9.84 | 659/8.3.06 |
45 | Parveen Sharma C/o Tricone Project India Pvt. Ltd. 153, Manjit Nagar, Patiala | Tricone City, Phase-I | 7.99 | 318/8.2.2006 renewal 07-02-2015 |
46 | M/s Tricon Projects India Pvt. Ltd. Sh. Parveen Sharma. H.No. 153, Manjit Nagar, Patiala | Tricon City, Phase-II, Village Hardaspur, Patiala | 9.51 | 2138/31.7.2006 renewal 18-04-2014 |
47 | M/s Tricone Projects India Pvt. Ltd. Through Sh. Vihavnath P Kohal H.No. 22590-B, Gali No.17, Bhangu Road, Bathinda | Tricone City, Phase-III, Village Hardaspur Patiala | 9.7 | 2145/31.7.06 renewal 30-07-2014 |
48 | Sh. Parveen Sharma C/o Tricone Projeal, 153, Manjit Nagar, Patiala | Tricone City, Phase-IV, Village Hardaspur Patiala | 7.39 | 2924/20.12.2006 renewal 19-12-2014 |
49 | Sh. Parveen Sharma C/o Tricone Projeal, 153, Manjit Nagar, Patiala | Tricone City, Phase-V, Village Hardaspur Patiala | 9.51 | 2138/31.07.2006 renewal 30-07-2014 |
50 | M/s Tricone Projects India Pvt. Ltd. Through Sh. Vihavnath P Kohal H.No. 22590-B, Gali No.17, Bhangu Road, Bathinda | Tricone City, Phase-VI, Village Hardaspur Patiala | 9.7 | 2917/20.12.2006 renewal 19-12-2014 |